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  1. West Virginia UFO's: Close Encounters in the ...

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    Former journalist Bob Teets has documented more than 150 UFO cases based on eyewitness accounts from West Virginians of all walks of life and from every ... › BooksReference - En caché - Similares
  2. Newsletter - Headline Books & Co.

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    This WV UFO Eyewitness Passed a Lie-Detector Test by Bob Teets Interview With Mike Simmons by Bob Teets Mountain State Case Log: Sighting at Brooke ... - En caché - Similares
  3. 9780929915135: West Virginia Ufo's: Close Encounters in the ...

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    West Virginia Ufo's: Close Encounters in the Mountain State by Teets, ... BRAND NEW, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, Bob Teets. ... - En caché
  4. Libro West Virginia Ufo´s de Teets, Bob - 0929915135

    Editorial Headline Books. Libro Nuevo. Estamos presentes en Chile, España, México y Argentina. Despachamos a todo el mundo. West Virginia Ufo´s de Teets, ... - En caché
  5. The 1992 UFO Chronology

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    15 Nov 2008 – It had many multi-colored lights on the underside, lit up like a Christmas tree. (Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the ... - En caché - Similares
  6. West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, Bob ...

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    West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State Book Description. Bob Teets has contributed to West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the ... - En caché
  7. West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State: Teets ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ] West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State: Very good minus, light edgewear trade paper Quarto Author-inscribed on title. - En caché
  8. West Virginia UFOs by Bob Teets softcover -

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    Former journalist Bob Teets documents more than 150 UFO sightings, based on eyewitness accounts from people all over West Virginia. While reading about this ... - En caché
  9. West Virginia Ufo's by Bob Teets, ISBN 9780929915135 - QBD The ...

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    West Virginia Ufo's by Bob Teets, ISBN 9780929915135 - QBD The Bookshop - Buy Online for better range and value. › New Age BooksExtraterrestrial Books - En caché
  10. High Strangeness Transcript: Bob Teets

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    2 Dec 1997 – So our topic tonight is UFOs and the Mental Health Profession. ... Teets has a B.S. in journalism from West Virginia University and is a trained ... - En caché - Similares